brightpinkhatjust now

I love your work, your writing. Thats all I have to say. I share it with my friends & family, only the lucky ones who deserve & would understand something like this…Thank you, for sharing. I love your end post photos, by the way.


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Thank you ❤️

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Well said and an essential point of view. I've been thinking of this time period as a pendulum, far right, then far left, then not so far right, not so far left, until it reaches equilibrium. I liken it to the Buddhist expression of the middle way. Then, an incident or incidents wack the pendulum again and the extremes resume, however, usually on another topic while the last pendulum swing is to a degree resolved (e.g. gay rights). Yes, sometimes, the topic is more complex and needs multiple wacks of the pendulum (e.g. racism) but I believe progress is made each time. Look back in time and we'll see any meaningful change takes decades, that's just how us humans work. Thanks for your honest writing.

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Thank you ❤️

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I love the metaphor of the overcorrection, that’s super accurate. I think that perspective could help folks understand the real value of cancel culture, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes anyone.

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Thank you ❤️

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