The finest threads you could buy, tangled and tied across your chest your heart holding angry breath your heart resting inside a tupperwear the glass kind the top lost where in your house you haven't seen it for days i've never really learned about it school nor in the reels and tiktoks that send me tumbling into the night i never learned about it while riding my bike not while turning on the lights not while crying never i haven't learnt about it yet i'd like to learn it but I haven't yet maya deren said that she was an obsessive poet but when she got a camera in her hands, she realized she didn't need to waste time converting her visions into words anymore
is there poetry in the opening and closing of the Simple Human trashcan? is there poetry in the cupboards? in my showery stream of piss into the toilet? in yours? i've not a penny to my name, only bitcoins, but we're repotting the plants for spring some guy we found on Instagram is in our backyard fertilizing the berry bushes and building raised beds we haven't spoken to him yet but he looks cute from the window I don't know what to write about, not in the way I used to anyway, with my body instead of my brain the captchas are getting too trippy for me
as far as the storyteller's role in the revolution and in the liberation of humanity from tyrants "times like these" call for poetry unfortunately cliché times call for cliché measures when there is nothing left to say about something it just feels better to write poems poems are the burnt ends of culture's BBQ when the heat of our longing and sickness is on full display and turned up to high, cut and sold for more than they're worth and then there's the poetry of lawsuits too the poetry of legislation of tweets of endless pages of forms and documents poured into the gaping maw of the government and corporate bureaucracies so there's that. but they can't take away all the poetry. we could be stripped of our clothes and our money and our belongings and our guns and our pens and pencils and swords and paper and families and our tuition money and our dignity and our safety and they still wouldn't be able to take away the poetry. so there's that.
Sorry about the typos in the email, I fixed them in the main post.
I had to post quick or I was afraid I'd lose my confidence and scrap this idea.